Bluestem Acres Equine Services

All the horses at Bluestem Acres are rescues. We either purchased them from the slaughter pipeline, accepted direct placement of a horse in need in partnership with a 501c3 organization or adopted them from a reputable equine rescue. We are so grateful to the organizations who have worked with us to provide our amazing horses. You can read a short bio on each horse here.

To my Bluestem Acres Family,

Effective January 1, 2024, Bluestem Acres is shutting down the majority of our equine offerings. As our children age and become more involved in various activities, I, Sam, am finding it difficult to juggle “mom” responsibilities and the time requirements of running the lesson barn. So, for the next 5-10 years, I’ll be devoting the hours I was putting into clients into raising my own children the best I know how, and putting a long-pause on teaching after-school and summer daytime lessons, hosting birthday parties and giving guided trail rides. I hope to return to this some day, as I truly enjoyed the time spent over the last five years.

Ride on,

Ms. Sam